Aeryn North

Photography, Creating, Self-Expression, Healing, Growing, Otherness, Being Me…

Hi, I'm Aeryn…

This website is my vanity page. For people looking me up to know who I am, and what I do.

About Me

Hi, I'm Aeryn North. Thanks for visiting my page.

Selfie of Aeryn North with black rimmed glasses, a grey hoodie, dark brown hair, smiling slightly at the camera with a grassy field, trees and the sun shining behind.

This is a selfie of me in early 2024.


I love to create. And photography is my main thing. I've been making photos since I was a kid. I also like to paint; draw; make marks; push pixels; and write creatively. Just anything really. Experimentation is what lights me up. So my focus, and style shifts sometimes. But I'm always there in that art. It's about me. I feel all art is like that.

I have various arty projects running online. My website (under construction) should be a good place to find them. Hopefully you can find everything there.

Messy Human

I'm a spiritual kind of person and I've had a lot of "woo-woo" experiences in my life. I've struggled with life-long mental wellness issues, and I've lived through some very difficult challenges since an early age. I'm highly sensitive, with a strong spectrum experience. I'm learning to grow, heal, and accept who I am. It's a journey!

I share about my daily life on my short form personal blog, mainly just snippets and snaps. I also write and make vlogs about "the journey" (spirituality; healing; mental health) and post them to my Being Me blog, along with some writings and short posts.


I'm not really on social media any more, and I like it like that. But you may find me being a little bit active on Bluesky, and I'm more active on the timeline.


I live in a village, in a town, in the city of Manchester, UK. I've lived here most of my adult life, but originally I'm from the south of England. I'm a parent of two beautiful teens. I was born in the 70s and came of age in the 90s. What a decade! I love, love, love music, and losing myself in art made by others: like science-fiction; fantasy; video games; rock music. I find the world to be a lot. So I live my life quietly. Nature is my sanctuary. I love my techie things and tinkering on my computer. I'm trans and use She/Her pronouns.